Serendipity and International Opportunities with Heineken’s Justin Kissinger
Written by: Christine Sanchez
Global Director of Public Policy at Heineken and former CHLI Corporate Board member Justin Kissinger initiated an organic back and forth discussion with our Fall 2020 Global Leaders about the importance of intentionality and cultivating community.
Currently located in Amsterdam, Justin took the time to meet with us and shared about his past experiences leading him abroad. Justin spent his first four years working for Heineken in the D.C. area as Senior Director of Government Relations but has spent the last few years in Amsterdam.
As an aspiring traveler myself, I was curious as to how Justin made the jump to working abroad as I hope to find myself in that position in the future. As it turns out, the opportunity presented itself serendipitously over a lunch break with a friend and colleague.
He explained the importance of building a community that place your best interest first and whom you trust to guide you forward. Justin’s experience with his colleague pointing him toward a new opportunity in Amsterdam mirrored my experiences with CHLI and further emphasized the role mentorship and community play in my future. If my mentor had not pointed me in the direction of CHLI and encouraged me to apply, I would not have received the incredible experiences the Global Leaders Program has provided me.
Despite the fortuitous nature of Justin’s relocation to Amsterdam, he also highlighted the significance of being intentional with everything we do. His advice was to picture what you want to be in the future and focus on building relevant skills to get you there.
I found his advice particularly helpful because I often get caught up in my day-to-day work whether it be work or school assignments. Justin reminded me to take time to reflect on my experience by being more intentional with efforts and to give my full attention to everything I am doing.
As my internship comes to a close and as I approach graduation, I plan to take Justin’s words to heart and continue to develop a trusted community, and focus on giving myself fully to everything I do.