We Belong
Message from We Belong Chair
Mentoring today’s college students to become the global leaders of tomorrow.
In 2003, my legislative brother, Lincoln Diaz Balart, and I realized that we had a responsibility to our heritage, our community, and our nation to nurture and prepare the next generation of leaders. The Congressional Hispanic Leadership Institute (CHLI) was born from our desire to help college students of Hispanic background to aspire to public service.
Fifteen years later, hundreds of college students have experienced and benefitted from the CHLI Global Leaders internship and fellowship program. Our CHLI alumni are promoting diversity of thought across our country.
While a Member of Congress, I hosted dozens of CHLI Global Leader interns and fellows and found that these young leaders arrived ready to learn about the legislative process. I was fortunate to have several CHLI Global Leaders join my staff after graduation and am proud to see them pursuing new challenges, while proudly sharing their CHLI legacy wherever they go.
As a founding member of CHLI, I am thrilled to Chair the WE BELONG Scholarship Campaign to ensure that more students have the opportunity to participate in the CHLI Global Leader Program. For many students, the exposure to the Hill and to corporate America, changes the trajectory of their lives—and as a result—elevate our communities and our country. Our goal is to triple the number of students that become CHLI Global Leaders over the next three years.
The interests of our community and our nation are well served by cultivating, developing and empowering future generations of global leaders. CHLI Global Leaders are worth your investment.
I invite you to partner with CHLI and impact a student’s life today, as we prepare a future leader of tomorrow.
Ileana Ros-Lehtinen
For more information, please contact:
Maytee Sanz
Director of Philanthropy