The Congressional Hispanic Leadership Institute (CHLI) supports the right of the Cuban people to freedom and fundamental human rights.
Read MoreKeith Fernandez is currently the Senior Manager of Social Impact Communications at DoorDash. He is of Cuban descent, a CHLI alumnus who participated in the Congressional internship program interning for then-Senator Mel Martinez in 2006 and grew up in Miami, Florida. There he studied Political Science at Florida International University before earning a J.D. from the University of Florida, Levin College of Law. Keith spoke with us about his past experiences and current role, his passion for advancing the interests of the Hispanic community, and the importance of helping others grow.
Read MoreOn April 23rd, the CHLI Interns had the opportunity to meet and speak with Isaac Reyes, the Vice President of Government Affairs at Target and a member of the Congressional Hispanic Leadership Institute (CHLI) Corporate Board. Isaac discussed his experience with both the public and private sectors and shared his insights into practices that make a leader worth following.
Read MoreEarlier this month, the Spring 2021 Global Leaders were able to sit down with Director Kemba Hendrix and Deputy Director Jeyben Castro from the House Office of Diversity and Inclusion (ODI), a bipartisan office created during the 116th Congress meant to promote diversity in personnel recruitment and retention on the Hill. Kemba and Jeyben discussed the ODI’s success during the current Congress and called Global Leaders to action to help spread the ODI’s mission.
Read MoreSenior Counsel for the Senate Small Business & Entrepreneurship Committee for Chair Cardin of Maryland, Therese Meers spoke with the Spring 2021 Global Leaders about her experiences prior to working for the Senate and her efforts to help small businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic. Therese encouraged each of us to explore our interests and create meaningful connections in our careers.
Read MoreThe Congressional Hispanic Leadership Institute (CHLI) is privileged to announce the appointment of two additional members of the United States Congress, Anthony Gonzalez (OH) and David Valadao (CA), to its Board of Directors.
Read MoreThe Congressional Hispanic Leaders Institute (CHLI) is deeply saddened by Wednesday's condemnable violence at the U.S. Capitol. It constituted a national tragedy and a shameful embarrassment for our nation. CHLI will continue to work toward equality and justice. We are committed to building a diverse and inclusive society. "One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
Read MoreThe Evening of Gratitude was a success! Thank you for your support of the Congressional Hispanic Leadership Institute (CHLI) programs.
CHLI Founder & Chairman, The Honorable Lincoln Diaz-Balart started the program by thanking everyone for the support this year. In light of the pandemic, we recognized not only our honorees but also those who are bravely serving our country to keep us healthy and safe. The evening was dedicated to the doctors, nurses, first responders, farmworkers, mental health specialists, and teachers working on the front lines. We are grateful to you and your families.
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