Congressional Hispanic Leadership Institute

History & Mission

Advancing the Hispanic Community’s Diversity of Thought

Mission – Congressional Hispanic Leadership Institute, Inc (CHLI)

• Conduct nonpartisan analysis, study and research matters relating to the exercise of the rights of Americans of Hispanic and Portuguese descent and making the results available to the general public or to governmental bodies, officials or employees.

• Engage in educational and training activities designed to encourage and advance the exercise of rights of Americans of Hispanic and Portuguese descent and other minority groups.

• Gather, compile and disseminate statistical information relating to Americans of Hispanic and Portuguese descent.

• Promote the employment by Federal, state and local governmental agencies of Americans of Hispanic and Portuguese descent.


Activities of the Institute


• The Congressional Hispanic Leadership Institute, Inc seeks to provide charitable and educational assistance to and advance the diversity of social and cultural thought among the millions of Americans of Hispanic and Portuguese descent.

CHLI will offer a vision of the American Dream for Americans of Hispanic and Portuguese decent that focuses upon self-reliance, education, entrepreneurship and family values. It is believed that this will provide relief to the underprivileged, lessen the burdens of Government, promote social welfare, eliminate prejudice and discrimination and combat community deterioration and juvenile delinquency. 

• Among other activities, CHLI will help develop innovative programs and tools to help Hispanics learn English and to disseminate information concerning the detection of diabetes in the Hispanic Community.

• Furthermore, CHLI will engage in “nonpartisan analysis, study or research” and make the results thereof available to the public. In this regard, CHLI will focus upon the demographics of the American Hispanic and Portuguese communities with respect to achieving improvements in schooling, housing, business ownership and employment. A public lecture series involving respected academicians, elected officials and public policy specialists is also being planned.