CHLI Statement on Trade
September 8, 2016
Contact: Mary Ann Gomez Orta
Phone: 202.841.0957
CHLI is committed to strengthening the U.S. Hispanic community by promoting the advancement of Hispanics in all sectors of the U.S. and the global economy.
This September 14th, CHLI will host its fifth annual Trade & International Affairs Symposium. The Symposium brings together international business leaders, experts on trade, members of the diplomatic community, and foreign and U.S. government officials to discuss issues that affect U.S. global competitiveness.
CHLI believes that the reduction of trade barriers is key to creating and supporting U.S. jobs and to a strong and prosperous U.S. economy, where U.S. Hispanics have the opportunity to prosper and thrive.
CHLI favors trade agreements that allow U.S. products and services to compete internationally, as a means of increasing economic growth and creating jobs in the U.S.
CHLI also supports social responsibility and believes that trade agreements between the United States and other nations must include strong and enforceable rules to allow U.S. companies and workers to compete on a level playing field with other nations.
About CHLI:
The Congressional Hispanic Leadership Institute (CHLI) is the premier organization founded by Members of Congress and corporate leaders to advance the Hispanic community's economic progress with a focus on social responsibility and global competitiveness. Founded in 2003, CHLI is a 501(c)3 non-profit and non-partisan organization. CHLI is dedicated to fostering a broad awareness of the diversity of thought, heritage, interests, and views of Americans of Hispanic and Portuguese descent.